How To Flip The Paradigm: The Joke Is On Them
Are people acting ‘childish’ because they don’t know better?
Hi world,
Someone asks, ‘What’s the best thing that happens to you during the world crashing down with chaos in 2022?’ I say, ‘Realizing what I wanted has always been with me all along.’
One day, I woke up from a dream of illusion. The illusion of chasing after the things I wanted outside of myself. Be it education, friends, clothes, love, sex, and joy, etc. Have I been wasting my time chasing after the things that only gave me temporary satisfaction in life? Yes and no.
The yes, yes: I wasted my life energy focusing on what’s outside of inner stillness. This stillness is immensely powerful, capable of creating the reality our imaginations can hold in mind for an ideal life one desires.
The no, no: I wasted no life energy because the chasing journey was a beautiful adventure in itself. It drew a circle back to this soul, creating a hero’s journey if you will. With rich life experiences as a collection, now I get to tell rich stories.
Today, I’m truly happy in my soul, body, and mind. Here and there, some pain throbs my body triggered by random life surprises. The pain does ask me to take a time out. With gentle self-compassion, I gently apply healing tools to heal this soul, body, and mind.
Now, who is going to hurt me now? Only the healers can hurt me — those who provoke the dormant pain reside inside, they are the teachers of wisdom. Dear pain invokers, I shall respect you — — the difficult humans.
Flip the paradigm. When deciding to change the way I see life 180 degrees, healing began at a rapid speed. Life happened for me. Life wants me to win for sure. It is rooting for a favorable outcome on behalf of humanity. Life didn’t happen to me. Life happened for me. Life always has a purpose that is incomprehensible in the moment of pain. Everything is a gift. Even the world’s chaos, believe it or not, is a blessing.
Beauty is flipping the paradigm for your benefit
Beauty is realizing that life happens for you, on behalf of you
Beauty is a global pandemic waiting to shape-shift a new world for long-term benefits for the entire human kind.
About The Author
Kate Lee is the CEO of an impact-driven company LIFE OF EMERALD, a platform that helps millennials and generation x in the corporate worldwide reduce stress by providing strategies on how to take care of the soul, body, and mind health via conscious media. She is a mental health healer, storyteller, astrologer, and social entrepreneur from Seoul, Korea. She helps people accelerate finding life’s purpose and integrate bipolar into wholeness. Kate has 15 years of teaching experience including educating STEM college graduates sponsored by the South Korean government. Her ancestors are kings of South Korea of the Joseon dynasty (1392–1897 AD) and the scholars and kings of the Nobel class in the Shilla dynasty (57 BC -935 AD). Sacred Healing Summit speaks up about the ‘elephant’ in the room with Ph.D. scholars in psychology, spirituality, business, medicine, and governance for emotional intelligence. We create a global impact for millennials and generation X who are feeling psychologically vulnerable and mentally unstable. Our audience is corporate employees worldwide, Stanford GSB LEAD, New York University IMBA, Linkedin, Harvard University, and Higher learning institutes in the UK and the USA.